So I have run into an interesting conundrum with my new living situation. I am now located just outside of my 'comfort zone' when it comes to aimless wandering. This is becoming a problem, since I still feel the Need late at night when I'm the only one awake. I get fidgety and anxious, which is not too bad except that it keeps me from sleeping. I can ignore that for a while. The problem is that it gets steadily worse the longer I deny it.
I start to feel this clenching sensation in my stomach, like a cold hand grabbing at me. Then my teeth begin to ache. The tips of my fingers tingle and then go numb. If I ignore these sensations for too long, my bones begin to feel like they're burning. Suffice it to say, I need to go out.
The new place is right next to a pretty little lake and walking path. I love walking it during the day. At night, though? When the path is poorly lit and the local wildlife is rustling in the bushes? Nope nope nope nope. I haven't seen a coyote yet, but there are signs posted along the walking path warning of their presence. I also haven't had time to learn the lay of the land beyond that point. I know the road I drive home on, but I'm at a loss on the side roads. I'm unfamiliar with the neighborhoods.
One of the biggest triggers for my anxiety is not knowing where I am. It's why I don't like driving or being left alone in unfamiliar places. The frustration I feel walking around here is almost as bad as the Need is.
I am at a loss. I think I may start carrying a bag with a flashlight and a few more weapons. I may also have to do more daytime walking to acquaint myself with all the nooks and crannies of the trail.
But the sun, it burns me so.